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Distilled water drinking weight loss - better water consume weight loss

20-12-2016 à 06:56:54
Distilled water drinking weight loss
Water is distilled through a process in which the water is boiled, evaporated and the vapor is condensed. Many doctors and health advocates around the world are convinced that the accumulation of acid waste in the body is the primary cause of most degenerative diseases and premature aging. 0. The vapor is condensed back into liquid form. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, carbon dioxide in the air dissolves in distilled water which makes its pH acidic - usually between five and six tenths and seven. Neutral pH is 7. 3 and 7. The primary cause of accumulated acid waste in the body is attributed to poor diet (especially animal-based foods, alcohol, tobacco, sugar, all processed and fried foods, and soft drinks) as well as other lifestyle factors — most notably, stress (which is highly acidifying in the body). Because distilled water does not contain any fluoride, dentists are beginning to see an increased number of cavities in young children who drink bottled water. Some believe that drinking distilled water can cause a mineral imbalance in the body. 0 is alkaline. Cruise ships also needed ready access to clean water. In its healthiest state, the pH of the body should be slightly alkaline. 4 pH (slightly alkaline) As you may remember from high-school chemistry, the pH scale has a range from 0 to 14. Nearly 30 years ago, Paavo Airola, ND, PhD, advised against the prolonged use of distilled water for this reason. The distillation process robs the water of all minerals and impurities. 0 is acidic and anything above 7.

Consumers believe bottled, distilled water is safer than the water supplies in their local communities. People who have a higher level of body acidity will benefit more from drinking water with a higher pH. Drinking distilled water on a regular basis may not be as healthy as you think. Drinking distilled water robs your body of its natural source for many minerals essential to good health. Drinking Distilled Water May Contribute to Mineral Loss in the Body. The potential for drinking water absent minerals was not considered due to the need for a safe water supply at that time. Distilled water is considered purified water, which is different than filtered water. Some believe that drinking water that has an acidic pH is dangerous to your health. I know this is a controversial statement, but it is based on a number of clinical studies and the experience of many scientists and health care practitioners, as well as my own experience. Distilled water is actually boiled until it evaporates. Numerous clinical and scientific studies support this theory. In the interim, much has been learned about the dangerous to your health when distilled water is consumed on a regular basis. The WHO and others studied the use of distilled water and found that because it is stripped of all minerals it can cause electrolyte imbalances in your body. This results in mineral loss in the body with increases your risk for osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, hypothyroidism, hypertension, coronary artery disease and premature aging. Anything below 7. Water is big business with many options available. In fact, the body will do everything in its power to maintain the pH of the blood between 7. The distillation process does remove many unhealthy contaminants in source water, but it also removes naturally occurring minerals.

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